What Does Admission Without Status Mean 2021/22

Here's what admission without status means.

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What Does Admission Without Status Mean 2021/22

What Does Admission Without Status Mean

Be advised that the admission statuses "Application in process" and "Admission without status" simply mean that your application is still under consideration. Since applications for admission go through various departmental and faculty evaluation stages, the status may not exactly indicate at which stage your application is. The fact that it is in the process means that it is being dealt with and you will be receiving feedback in due course.

If you have been invited for an interview, admission test, audition, etc. means that you have met the initial academic entry requirements and your application result now depends on the results of one of the above-mentioned evaluations you have undertaken. Once the outcome of your evaluation has been finalized, the department with which you undertook the evaluation will send your final result to the Admission Office, which will then officially communicate this to you in writing.

So please understand that these processes may take time but they are necessary to protect your and the University's rights, and all departments are obliged by University policy to follow the right procedures in dealing with applications and communicating with prospective students. A little patience is therefore required in such instances.

It is also important to remember that the final decision on whether your application is successful or not depends on your final Grade 12 results. So if you applied on time for the right course with the right subjects and levels, please do yourself a favor and stop worrying about the application status so much and concentrate on your studies so that you improve your academic performance and increase your chances of being finally accepted in January. With those words, we wish you all the best for the upcoming examinations and hope to see you living your life and creating your destiny with us next year. Regards

What does money omitted mean?

It simply means that you didn't pay the application fee,  the institution urges all prospective students to use their ID number or Student as a reference to avoid confusion and then after the payment, they expect you to upload the receipt via your student portal. No document will be accepted over the email. 








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