How to Apply W&RSETA Bursary

The Wholesale and Retail Sector Education and Training Authority (W&RSETA) was established in 2000 in terms of the Skills Development Act (as amended). The public entity aims to facilitate the skills development needs of the Wholesale and Retail (W&R) Sector through the implementation of learning programmes, disbursement of grants and monitoring of education and training as outlined in the National Skills Development Plan (NSDP).

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How to Apply W&RSETA Bursary

Apply Link

Bursary Beneficiaries:
• South African citizens (below 35 years if unemployed)
• Accepted or registered with the institution in relation to the study areas listed above
• Preference will be given to students classified as “missing middle” based on parental income between R350 000 – R600 000 as identified by the Institution.

Application Process:

• Applications must be made on-line via the stakeholder portal on the W&RSETA website:
• Proof of Institutional registrations and programme approval with the relevant quality assurance body to
be uploaded with the application on MIS. (As per section 3 above)
• The provincial offices will provide guidance for first time applicants to access MIS.
• W&RSETA is unable to receive applications from individual students and all applications must be
made via the Institution of learning or employers.
• This funding window deadline is 28 February 2024.
• Allocations will be based on first come first serve basis, depending availability of funding.








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