How to order a laptop from nsfas website - NSFAS launches Digital Learning Device Project

NSFAS funded students can now order their laptops on the NSFAS Digital Learning Device Online Order form.

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How to order a laptop  from nsfas website  - NSFAS launches Digital Learning Device Project

Who qualifies for a laptop?

Both NSFAS funded and non-NSFAS funded students registered for approved courses at public universities in the 2020 and 2021 academic years are eligible to receive these learning devices.

Here's how to Order one.

  • You need to access the sign-in/ register student portal page -  and click where it's written "Click to order your NSFAS Laptop Online"
  • Or
  • Use this Direct Link: Click Here 

To order online students are required to provide the following:

  • South African ID number,
  • Student number,
  • Contact details,
  • Name of the institution they are registered at,
  • Campus name and home address.

How will I get my laptop?

Once you have ordered your laptop online and all the necessary checks have been completed, you will be contacted to collect your laptop on campus of the institution you are registered at.








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